Page 10 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 10

INTRODUCTION                                         10

                         THE TWO GOVERNORS OF OUR BODY:
                         THE HYPOTHALAMUS AND THE PITUITARY GLAND             16
                            Your Body's Hidden Manager: The Hypothalamus      18
                            The Conductor of the Hormone Orchestra:
                            The Pituitary Gland                               22
                            The Hormones Secreted by the Pituitary Gland      25
                            The Anterior Pituitary Gland                      26
                            The Posterior Pituitary Gland                     27
                            The Miracle of Growth: The Growth Hormone         28
                            The Prolactin Hormone                             38
          CONTENTS CONTENTS  The Prolactin and Oxytocin Hormones at Work      41
                            The Oxytocin Hormone
                            The Wonder of Mother's Milk:
                            The System That Regulates the Amount
                            of Fluid in the Blood: The Antidiuretic Hormone
                            Hormones That Are Able to Regulate Time
                            and Produce the Differences Between the Sexes
                         THE RHYTHM OF LIFE: THE THYROID GLAND
                            The Proportion in Our Bodies
                            One Hundred Trillion Micro-Heaters
                            A Delicate Control Mechanism                      66
                            Four Out of Ten Thousand Molecules                74

                         THE SENSITIVE CALCIUM-METERS                         76
                            Taking the Necessary Steps                        81
                            A Control Mechanism                               87

                         THE SUGAR FACTORY IN OUR BODIES                      88

                         THE ADRENAL GLANDS                                   92
                            The Fight or Flight System                        93
                            Ten Million People and One Gram
                            of the Hormone Aldosterone                        99
                            A Flawless Planning                               102
                            A Miraculous Medicine (Cortisol)                  109
                            The Functions of Cortisol                         111

                         SEX HORMONES                                         116
                            The Female Reproductive System                    118
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