Page 11 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 11

A Four Week Period of Life                        120
              Preparations to Meet the Egg Cell                 123
              The Male Reproductive System                      127
              Two Different Sexes From the Same Raw Material    131

           COMMUNICATION WITHIN THE CELL                        134
              The Communications Center in a Cell
              and Its Stations                                  135
              The Journey of a Message-Carrying Hormone
              Inside the Cell                                   141
              Modular Communication Stations                    144
              The Control Mechanism in the Communication
              Within Cells                                      147
              Special Messengers in the Cells                   151
              The Scientific World and Cellular Communication   155

           THE ZIP CODE SYSTEM WITHIN CELLS                     158
              How is Protein Traffic Within Cells Organized?    163                   CONTENTS CONTENTS
              The SRP Structure: The Guide in the Cell          167
              Communication and Transportation in the Nucleus 169
              Unique Systems Whose Secrets Have Not
              Yet Been Discovered                               170

           COMMUNICATION IN NERVE CELLS                         172
              Design in the Synapses                            176
              Chemical Communication in Neurons                 177
              The Planning and Timing in the
              Messenger Molecules                               181
              The Electrical Communication Between Neurons      183
              An Evident Fact                                   185

           A WONDERFUL MESSENGER: NITRIC OXIDE                  188
              Design in Our Blood Vessels                       192
              The Short Story of the Messenger NO               195
              The Production Facility For Nitric Oxide:
              The Endothelium Cell                              199
              The Messenger in Sperm                            200
              Face to Face With Bacteria and Viruses            202

           CONCLUSION                                           206

           THE DECEPTION OF EVOLUTION                           210
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