Page 114 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 114


                                               The sense of pain is communicated
                                           by the nerve cells. But how do the cells
                                           that produce the cortisol know the mech-
                                           anism that slows down, and partially
                                           stops the electrical impulses of the nerve

                                             In times of emergency it converts
                                           fats and proteins into sugar:

                                               In order for body and brain cells to
                                           be nourished, sugar is required; all cells
                                           need a continuous supply of sugar, other-
                                           wise, the person will soon die.
                When a person is injured,
                the cortisol hormone           When someone is hungry, if there are
                goes into action without   no nutrients from which sugar can be ob-
                his knowing it.
                                           tained, the amount of sugar in the blood
                                           will drop. In this situation, cortisol comes
              into play and does not allow the body to remain without sugar. It ensures
              the conversion of stored fats and proteins into sugar, keeping the level of
              blood sugar within safe limits. 31
                   Fat or protein (or both) are converted to sugar. This function is really
              highly complex. To change one material into another is to completely alter
              the composition of the molecules. If a fat molecule or a protein molecule
              were enlarged trillions of times and placed on a table, most persons
              would not know which atoms had to exchange places with others. Howe-
              ver, inside the cells are refineries that accomplish this change through a
              very complex operation. The cortisol hormone knows the stages in the
              process of this change. It is designed to open the lock that will allow this
              change to begin. How do the cells that produce cortisol know the shape of
              the key required to start the operation that will convert fat or protein to
              sugar? How do they know what operation is needed to convert the for-
              mula of the fat molecule (CH -(CH )n-COOH) into the formula of the
                                          3     2
              sugar molecule (CH OH)?

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