Page 113 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 113
The Adrenal Glands
makes this program work, shows once again the invalidity of the myth of
chance as proposed by the theory of evolution.
The cortisol hormone works inside the human body fighting on dif-
ferent fronts against pain, wounds, infection, overheating, hypothermia,
allergies, lack of oxygen, hunger, and factors that increase body tempera-
As we examine the functions of cortisol, we must not forget that
unconscious cells that cannot know where it will be used produce this
hormone. These cells can never be consciously aware of the fronts on
which cortisol fights.
Now, let us examine briefly the functions performed by this wonder
called "cortisol" produced in the adrenal glands, and let us see once again
how the artistry of God is manifested in the aspects of the human body.
At each stage, ask yourself if this system could have come into being by
evolution, and the answer will show the real nature of the theory of evo-
The Functions of Cortisol
❏ It takes measures in advance to heal wounds:
Adrenaline prepares a person for the moment of danger, whereas
cortisol prepares the human body for what is likely to happen after the
danger has passed. For example, it mobilizes the amino acids to go into
action in the case of a wound. At the moment a wound occurs, these
amino acids are the raw materials that will be used in the reconstruction
of the tissue.
❏ It reduces the sense of pain when a wound occurs:
This is the reason that some people do not feel pain at the time they
receive a wound (and even for some time afterwards). As a result, a per-
son can find the strength to defend himself, run away, or fight even
though he has been wounded.