Page 108 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 108
Before all else, this coalition must investigate what they need to do
when blood pressure drops to make a decision about the best way "to
constrict the blood vessels" and "to ensure the secretion of aldosterone."
Later, they must again make an investigation and analyze the anat-
omy of the adrenal glands and that of the cells in the muscles of the blood
vessels and determine the way in which they function. Later, they will
have to determine the molecular make-up of Angiotensin II to cause the
muscles of the blood vessels to contract, and the adrenal glands to secrete
That last thing that must be done is to determine how this molecule
will be produced. Every organ must take responsibility for one stage in
its production. In terms of the production plan, there is a three-stage
assembly system in which every organ is given a function. The kidney
will produce renin, the liver will produce angiotensiogen and the lungs
will produce ACE. Afterwards, the cells must return to their normal
If someone does not believe that this system was created by a
supreme power according to a special plan, that person must accept the
view that unconscious cells achieved this by the mechanisms of neo-
Darwinism (mutation and natural selection). The claims of evolutionists
are unbelievable and illogical because this system (comprised of the kid-
ney, liver and lung cells), which is irreducibly complex, must have come
into being all at once at the same time. The probability of this happening
by chance would require very unlikely events. At the same time (and
again ultimately by chance), cells would have had to be formed to meas-
ure the pressure in the kidneys, then aldosterone would have had to be
formed in the adrenal gland, the kidney tube cells would have had to ac-
quire a structure designed to respond to aldosterone, and the cells in the
muscles of the blood vessels would have had to get a structure that could
be affected by angiotensin II. Countless other elements would have had
to be in place at the same moment for this system to come into being, and if