Page 107 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 107
The Adrenal Glands
Two different molecules produced in the kidneys and the liver act
on each other and a new molecule is produced. Lung cells that have no
relation to kidney cells and liver cells produce an enzyme to unite com-
pletely with this new molecule. Moreover, they produce this enzyme
long before it unites with these molecules. How do lung cells produce the
right enzyme for a process that has not yet developed to interact with a
material that has not yet been produced? How does it know how to make
an enzyme that will change a non-functional hormone into a functional
Again, it is clear that each stage is a designed system. The angiotens-
in II produced as a result of these stages is a proof of design and plan-
ning. This enzyme has two vital functions that would lead the system to
the desired end result: the first of these functions is the constriction of the
blood vessels (the first of the three desired results that we enumerated at
the beginning of this section). Angiotensin II stimulates the muscles sur-
rounding the blood vessels and activates the mechanism that contracts
these muscles. In this way, the muscles contract, narrowing the diameter
of the blood vessels and raising the blood pressure.
Could this happen by unconscious chance?
Again, this is impossible; Angiotensin II is specially designed to
constrict the blood vessels and these is no room for chance in this flaw-
less design.
Another important function of angiotensin II is to summon into ac-
tion the wonderful aldosterone hormone. Angiotensin II reaches the
adrenal glands and gives the command to secrete aldosterone. This is
another proof of planning: when aldosterone mixes with the blood, it
causes the kidneys to absorb the fluid in the urine.
As a result, the blood pressure will rise. This is the second result we
want to achieve.
The material produced in concerted effort (and according to a plan
by the kidneys, lungs and liver) brings about the secretion of the hor-
mone causing a rise in blood pressure. In order to do this, it is necessary
that the kidney cells, lung cells and liver cells form a coalition.