Page 105 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 105

The Adrenal Glands

            the myth of chance and to show the deceitful enterprise of evolution.
                 The system is constructed so that it will come into operation when
            there is a blood pressure drop. It begins its role when the blood pressure
            drops below a certain level, like a fire alarm sensor specially designed to
            detect smoke coming from a fire.
                 When the blood pressure falls, the alarm sounds because low blood
            pressure can be very serious. When the alarm sounds, a series of meas-
            ures must be taken to raise it. These measures include the following:
                 1. The blood vessels must be constricted. (This constriction will
            cause a rise in blood pressure, as is the case when a garden hose is com-
            pressed in the end.)
                 2. More water must be absorbed from the kidneys and mixed with
            the blood to raise the blood fluid level.
                 3. A person must be made to drink water as soon as possible.
                 A flawless system has been placed in the depths of the human body
            to put these measures into effect. At the moment when the blood pres-
            sure falls (or the amount of sodium in the blood becomes less), certain
            cells in the kidneys become aware of the problem. The Juxtaglomerular
            cells secrete a very important substance
            called "renin." 27
                 It is a wonder that cells can detect a drop
            in blood pressure or in the amount of sodium
            present and then secrete renin, the first link in
            a long chain that raises blood pressure.
                 In blood plasma, there is a protein that
            normally has a neutral effect as it circulates in
            the blood. This protein, called angiotensio-
            gen, is produced in the liver. The first stage of
            this incredible planning starts here. Angiot-
            ensiogen and renin have no functions of their
            own, but they were designed specially to
                                                           The level of blood pressure
            unite with one another. How is it possible     is of vital importance for a
            that they are specially produced like logo     human being.

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