Page 100 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 100
Nerve signal
ACTH Cortex
Increased heart
rate, breathing Liver releases
rate, blood sugar glucose
As we can see in the picture, when the woman sees the
snake, she becomes afraid and an alarm button in her body
is pushed. Her brain sends a lightening-fast command to
her adrenal glands. The cells in the inner part of the adrenal
glands go into a state of alarm and secrete adrenaline for the
emergency. The adrenaline molecules mix with the blood and are distributed to
various parts of the body. The body is then enabled to react appropriately to the danger. For
example, the woman's heart beats faster, and the sugar in her blood increases, giving her mus-
cles added strength and she is able to escape the danger.
strength that the muscles need.
When the adrenaline molecule reaches the muscle cells, the muscles
can contract with much more strength. The adrenaline molecules that go
to the liver command the cells located there to mix more sugar with the
blood. This causes the amount of sugar in the blood to increase and sup-
plies the extra fuel needed by the muscles.
This activity of the adrenaline hormone in the body requires a great
amount of intelligence, knowledge and skill. This tiny molecule knows
what it must do and when; when the body does not need it, the alarm