Page 95 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 95

lmost everyone knows that there are two
                                       kidneys and that they are of vital impor-
                              A tance, but most people do not know that
                             there are two small pieces of tissue, weighing only 5-6
                            grams each, on top of both kidneys that are also of vital
                                 When we examine these glands, called the adrenal
                            glands, each one is two separate laboratories. The first
                            of these is the external part of the adrenal gland (the
                            adrenal cortex), which produces three different hor-
                            mones; the second is the internal part of the adrenal
                            gland (the adrenal medulla), which produces two dif-
                            ferent hormones. The hormones produced by these
                             glands are so important that the secretion of too much
                             or too little of them results in death. 22

                             The Fight or Flight System

                                  Some people owe their lives to a miraculous hor-
                              mone called adrenaline: when these people are in
                              danger, this fluid makes them stronger, more agile,
                              faster and more attentive. It even doubles their phys-
                               ical capacities as if they had drunk a very powerful
                               potion to give them strength. For example, a pilot
                                notices a mechanical failure in his plane while fly-
                                 ing. After a mechanical failure, which threatened
                                  to bring down his plane, a heroic pilot lands safe-
                                  ly at the airport, saving the lives of hundreds of
                                   passengers. But there is a very important point
                                    that journalists usually fail to add: what saved
                                     the lives of the pilot and the passengers was
                                     that marvelous fluid mentioned above.
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