Page 96 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 96


              Adrenaline is secreted immediately in the body of a pilot whose airplane malfunc-
              tions. This fluid sends more sugar and blood to the brain, making the pilot more
              attentive. His blood pressure and heartbeat increase, making him more alert.
              These are only a few of the changes that adrenaline causes in the pilot's body.

                   The fluid sent an alarm to the pilot's brain cells, causing more blood

              and sugar to be sent to his brain and made him more alert. At the same
              time, it increased his heartbeat and blood pressure, enabling him to move
              faster and be more attentive. His respiratory system capacity increased
              so that he could utilize more oxygen (and more blood could flow to his
              brain and muscle cells). His muscles and limbs became more intensely
              focused and the increase in the level of sugar in his blood gave him the
              extra energy that he required.
                   Adrenaline (epinephrine) is produced and stored in the adrenal

              medulla—the inner portion of the adrenal glands. Everyone has this hor-
              mone in him all his life; you have it in you right now. If it is needed, the
              adrenal glands will produce it so that you may become stronger, faster,
              and much more alert. If you are in some danger, you will be given about
              twice your normal strength to enable you to fight against the source of
              the danger (or to run away) to save your life.
                   Although such an important hormone, the concentration of adrena-
              line in the bloodstream is surprisingly small compared to the work it

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