Page 93 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 93

In the intestines, carbo-
            hydrates become glu-
                   cose and are
              assimilated into the
          blood. If the level of glu-
           cose rises too high, the
              pancreas secretes a  Carbohydrates
           hormone called insulin
           which helps the cells to
                 absorb glucose.

                Active receptor
     Glucose is                     A NON-DIABETIC PERSON
     converted into

        Active transporter

                            Glucose                                 Liver
  hormone unites with the receptor
 activates the glucose transporter.
 The glucose enters the cell and is
 converted into energy. The level of
 ucose in the blood remains stable.
 the case of diabetes, insulin does
 not bond with the receptor and the
 ransporter becomes inactive. Glu-
  e circulates in the blood and rais-
            es its level of sugar.
                                                      Large intestine

                   Inactive receptor

                                     ADIABETIC PERSON
       Inactive transporter

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