Page 98 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 98
the same as that of a person in danger. Consider the needs of a person
who is confronted by a dangerous situation: he must run fast, his muscles
must work more quickly, his blood pressure must rise, and his heart must
beat more quickly. So, he will be able to run faster, escape more quickly or
fight more strongly against the danger. How does all this happen?
When the danger occurs, an alarm button is pushed in the body, and
the brain sends a lightening-fast command to the adrenal glands. The
cells in the interior section of the adrenal gland then go into alarm mode
and secrete adrenaline hormone to deal with the emergency. The adren-
aline molecules mix with the blood and disperse throughout the various
areas of the body.
Adrenaline molecules have a special function in the veins and arter-
Anterior pituitary
Adrenal cortex Physical stress
Corticosteroids Relieves
The adrenal cortex plays an
important role in reducing stress
on the body. When the body is
under severe stress, the hypothalamus sends a
command to the pituitary gland to secrete ACTH
(adrenocorticotropic hormone). ACTH, on the other hand,
Body cells
stimulates the adrenal cortex, causing the production of corti-
costeroids. These corticosteroids ensure the production of
glucose from molecules such as proteins, which contain no
carbohydrates. As a result, the body receives extra energy
and stress is reduced.