Page 101 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 101

The Adrenal Glands

            mode is never set into operation. Apart from this, it knows very well to
            which cells it must go, and what kind of command it must give to them.
            Moreover, this shows that it is well acquainted with the cells, with the or-
            gans and their functions, and it never makes an error as to when the body
            must be taken out of this emergency mode.
                 If it made such an error, the body would be irreparably damaged.
            But these little molecules function with a keen awareness of their respon-
            sibility. How is it possible for an unconscious, lifeless fluid, without a
            brain, eyes or knowledge, and composed of a certain combination of
            atoms too small for the eye to see to act in such an intelligent, organized,
            and timely way?
                 This clearly shows that every molecule in our bodies is created by
            God and that, throughout our lives, every moment's activity is controlled
            by God's power, will and command. After knowing how the body works
            in detail, no one with intelligence can claim that living things, cells, hor-
            mones, molecules or atoms are the purposeless works of chance. God's
            power, strength and sublimely intelligent knowledge, witnessed to by
            creation, are manifested in every place and at every moment. As the
            Qur'an says:
                 What is in the heavens and in the Earth belongs to God. God
                 encompasses all things. (Qur'an, 4: 126)

                 Ten Million People and One Gram of the

                 Hormone Aldosterone

                 In order to survive, countless balances must be preserved in your
            body every moment. As a person lives his daily life, he is not aware of
            any of these balances. For example, at this moment various systems are
            adjusting your blood pressure. The "aldosterone" hormone produced in
            the adrenal glands has the duty of preventing a fall in your blood pres-
            sure and adjusting the sodium balance in your body.
                 In your body exists as little as one gram in ten million of aldostero-

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