Page 106 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 106
blocks designed to fit perfectly into one another?
Consider this: kidney cells and liver cells are far removed from one
another. How is it that one of these groups of cells produces one part
(renin) and the other group produces the other part (angiotensiogen) in
such a way as to fit perfectly with the first part? Could this happen as the
result of unconscious chance?
Certainly not! It is not possible that such a process could occur by
Renin changes the composition of the angiotensiogen molecule,
causing the emergence of a new molecule, angiotensin I:
Renin + Angiotensiogen Angiotensin I
This new molecule has no function either. Found in the lungs, an en-
zyme called angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE for short) functions to
break down the angiotensin I molecule. Because of this enzyme, angiot-
ensin I changes into a different molecule, angiotensin II.
Angiotensin I + ACE enzyme Angiotensin II
The angiotensiogen protein produced in the
liver and the renin produced by the kid-
ney cells come together for a com-
mon purpose. These two
different materials produced
in two different organs fit
into each other like parts
of a logo, demonstrating
the flawless design of the