Page 111 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 111
The Adrenal Glands
taken from
baroreceptors in
the heart travel
to the
hypothalamus. The hypothala-
The adrenal mus orders the
glands produce When enough water is pro- saliva glands to
the hormones vided, the tongue, the stop production,
that stimulate the stomach and the intestine and the result is
thirst center.
send the message that the a dry mouth.
reserves are filled.
Kidney Heart
Many times in the course of a day we feel thirsty and so drink a glass of
water. But we are generally unaware of what is happening in our bodies at
that time. Cells in the various organs of the body determine the water
needs of the body and work with one another in a series of operations by
which a person is urged to drink water. We never think about where this
urge comes from; we just drink the water that assists our bodies.
A Miraculous Medicine (Cortisol)
Shortly, we will examine the aspects of another marvel—a hormone
called "Cortisol." But this hormone has such a varied function in the
human body that we must note a point before we begin.
The fact that a hormone can activate a cell is in itself a wonder be-
cause, in order for a hormone to affect this cell, it must activate the inner