Page 99 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 99

The Adrenal Glands

            ies that ensures the vital organs receive a greater supply of blood at the
            times of danger, and to do this, they dilate the blood vessels going to the
            heart, brain and muscles. The cells surrounding the vessels obey the
            adrenaline and supply the extra blood required by the heart. In this way,
            the extra blood needed by the brain, muscles and heart is supplied. 24
                 While dilating the blood vessels going to the heart, brain and mus-
            cles, adrenaline constricts the vessels that supply the liver and the skin to
            ensure extra support needed by the body. There is another reason for the
            reduced amount of blood pumped to the skin: in the likely case of a
            wound, the amount of blood loss would be reduced. The reason for pale-
            ness observed in the skin in times of excessive excitement is because less
                                          blood is pumped to the skin then. 25
                                                  An error never occurs that di-
                                             lates the vessels going to the heart
                                              (or the brain) that constricts vessels
                                              going to the liver (or skin); the
                                              adrenaline molecule knows what it
                                                  must do.  A microscopically
                                  sinus               small hormone adjusts the
                                                        diameter of the hun-
                                                        dreds of blood vessels in
                                                        your body where the
                                                       blood is to be directed.
                                                          For every organ in the
                                 Arteries           body, the action of adrenaline
                                                    is different; when the adrenal-
              Adrenal gland
                                                    ine molecule goes to the
                                                    blood vessels, it causes them
                                                    to dilate; when it goes to the
                                                    heart, it quickens the contrac-
                                                   tion of the heart cells. This
               In times of danger, the body goes into a
                                                   makes the heart beat faster
               state of alarm by means of a link be-
               tween the brain and the adrenal glands.  and  supplies  the  extra

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