Page 97 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 97
The Adrenal Glands
Adrenal Capsule
glands Adrenal cortex
Adrenal medulla
Right adrenal gland trunk
Left adrenal gland
Right renal Left renal artery
Right renal Left renal vein
Interior vena
cava Abdominal aorta
In the adrenal glands there are two separate laboratories that produce very impor-
tant hormones. The first is the adrenal cortex; the other is the adrenal medulla. The
hormones produced in these laboratories are essential for human life.
does. It has been calculated, for example, that if the amount of blood in
our bodies were compared to a lake 100 meters in diameter and two me-
ters deep, the adrenaline in our blood would be the equivalent of one tea-
spoon of fluid poured into the lake. 23
The powerful effect of a small amount of this fluid on the human
body is the result of wonderful design. When we look at the functional
system of an adrenaline hormone, we more clearly understand the per-
fection of God's creation.
The physical requirements of a normal person will certainly not be