Page 35 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 35
The Two Governors Of Our Body:
The Hypothalamus And The Pituitary Gland
If a little too much or too little
growth hormone is secreted,
the results are dynamic. If too
little is secreted, dwarfism oc-
curs; if too much, gigantism is
the result. For this reason, God
has created a special system to
regulate the amount of growth
hormone secreted.
based on this amount? In order to explain just how great a wonder this is,
let us consider an example:
Let us imagine that we have used a special device and reduced a
person to several millionths of his original size, that is, to the size of a
human cell. We have put him in a special capsule beside one of the cells
in the region of the hypothalamus.
The job of this person is to count the number of growth hormone
molecules in the capillaries passing in front of him. He determines if
there is a reduction or an increase in the number of these molecules. It is
well known that there are thousands of different materials contained in
the blood. It is impossible for a human being (if he is not an expert in the
field) to know from the molecular structure if something in front of him
is a growth hormone or something else. But the person we placed in the
hypothalamus must recognize with certainty the growth hormones
among millions of other molecules. Moreover, he must check the amount
of the hormone at all times.