Page 37 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 37

The Two Governors Of Our Body:
                            The Hypothalamus And The Pituitary Gland

            happens. It is known that thanks to a very special system, cells are pro-
            grammed not to divide and grow any more after a certain time. Given
            this situation, a person should think about the Power that created this
            perfect program. This shows us another wonder of God's creation.
                 It is not very difficult to understand how important it is that trillions
            of cells stop dividing and growing together at the correct time. If some of
            these cells did not stop dividing as others did, the result would be terri-
            ble. For example, if the eye cells continued to divide and multiply after
            the other cell groups have ceased to do so, the eye would be squeezed in
            its socket and burst.
                 After speaking about trillions of cells suddenly stopping their activi-
            ties, there is something else worth remembering. Cancer is a disease that
            we have been fighting for decades and still have not conquered; it is
            caused by one single cell continuing to divide out of control. This example
            permits us to better understand the delicate balance that exists in the body.
                 In adulthood, the growth hormone continues to have an influence
            on a few special cells and stimulates these cells to divide and multiply.

            This is another wonder of creation that serves a special purpose. This cell
            division no longer causes the body to grow, but serves to repair and
            regenerate the body. For example, skin cells and red blood cells continue

            In the above photographs, we see a woman at 16, 33 and 52 years of age who has a
            condition caused by excessive secretion of growth hormone during adulthood. This
            condition is characterized by disproportionate growth in the jaw, hands and nose.

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