Page 39 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 39
The Two Governors Of Our Body:
The Hypothalamus And The Pituitary Gland
On the left is a picture of a
growth hormone. It is too
small to be seen with the
naked eye but it acts within
the body with a high level of
consciousness, intelligence
and sense of responsibility.
It is a wonder how it is able
to make a perfectly formed
human being. But the One
Who actually creates this
wonder is God, the Lord of
all the worlds.
addition to all these intricate functions, the growth hormone performs
one more very important duty. It ensures the release of fat molecules to
mix with the blood. In this way, each molecule will serve as a source of
fuel fulfilling the cell's energy needs.
When reading about the activities of the growth hormone in the
body, it is important to recall that what accomplishes this is a lifeless,
unconscious molecule formed by the combination of a few atoms that
have no hands, eyes, or brain. It is remarkable that a lifeless bit of matter
can know when and where to go in the body, and when, how and by
what means to stimulate it. Unconscious atoms cannot write messages
and send them to one another, but this wonderful event happens when
some molecules interact with each other. They immediately know what
they must do and then do it. For example, when some molecules interact
with the growth hormone, they immediately begin to divide. Others de-
cide to take more amino acids. And for this it is only necessary to re-
spond to the growth hormone. How can such a conscious and organized
activity continue without interruption in the body?
To claim that all these wonderful balances came to be in the course of
time by the operation of chance flies in the face of scientific fact and logic.
This is because only one deficiency could destroy the whole system. In
order for a living thing to survive, its whole system and all its organs must
come to be at the same time. Everything reviewed so far about the growth