Page 41 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 41

The Two Governors Of Our Body:
                            The Hypothalamus And The Pituitary Gland

                 The Oxytocin Hormone

                 This hormone is produced by the hypothalamus and stored in the
            posterior pituitary gland. It is secreted when necessary by the pituitary
            gland on receiving a neural stimulation from the hypothalamus. Its func-
            tions include contracting the milk channels. Other functions of the oxy-
            tocin hormone in the production of mother's milk is treated in detail in
            the section "The Wonder of Mother's Milk."
                 In addition to its function in the production of mother's milk, the oxy-
            tocin hormone has another duty. It ensures the contraction of the muscles
            of the uterus at the time of birth to facilitate the birth process. During labor,
            the production of oxytocin quickly increases. At the same time, the uterine
            muscle develops a remarkable sensitivity to the oxytocin hormone. During
            the birth process, some women are given an injection of oxytocin to help re-
            lieve the pain and to speed the birth process.
                 In order for the production of oxytocin to occur normally, the cells
            which make up the hypothalamus must be aware of all the elements in-
            volved in the birth process that happen a great distance from them. They
            must know that birth is a difficult process and that they must contract the
            uterine muscles to push the baby out. Moreover, they must know that a
            chemical production is necessary for the contraction of the uterine mus-
            cles to occur, and they must know the correct formula.
                 The One Who places the production plan of the oxytocin hormone
            in the genes of the hypothalamus cells, Who creates the new baby about
            to come into the world, the mother, the mother's womb, and the hypo-
            thalamus cells is God.
                 The fact that God is the Sovereign of everything that happens in
            heaven and on Earth, and that everything comes to pass under His
            supervision is revealed in the Qur'an:
                 Everyone in the heavens and Earth belongs to Him. All are sub-
                 missive to Him. It is He Who originated creation and then regen-
                 erates it. That is very easy for Him. His is the most exalted
                 designation in the heavens and the Earth. He is the Almighty, the
                 All-Wise. (Qur'an, 30: 26-27)

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