Page 44 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 44
an exchange of information.
The hormone that activates the milk glands in the mother's breast,
as noted, is the prolactin hormone secreted by the pituitary gland. In the
early days of pregnancy, certain factors suppress the secretion of prolac-
tin. These factors are like a foot pressing on the brake of an automobile
going down a hill. The automobile tends to go downhill, but when the
brake is applied, it cannot move. The production of milk is hindered in
the mother.
The hindering of prolactin production is very important because,
while the baby is still unborn, the milk production in the mother is not
needed. How is this brake applied, and how is premature secretion pre-
vented? Here is a true wonder of design. The hypothalamus in the brain
secretes a hormone that prevents the production of prolactin. This hor-
mone, called PIH (Prolactin Inhibiting Hormone), slows down the pro-
duction of prolactin or, in other words, applies the brake.