Page 49 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 49

The Two Governors Of Our Body:
                            The Hypothalamus And The Pituitary Gland

            denly and at the right location where they are needed to perform their
            specific functions. Only one explanation exists for this: this system is cre-
            ated by God.
                 Another proof of creation in the wonder of mother's milk is the oxy-
            tocin hormone.
                 Above we have described the perfect design that exists for the pro-
            duction of mother's milk. But there is a problem: the production of the
            milk in the milk glands is not sufficient. With his strength alone, the baby
            cannot suck the milk from the nipple as easily as from a feeding bottle;
            the milk must travel from the milk glands to the nipple. Otherwise, the
            system we have described so far will be useless; the mother's milk will

            not be able to reach nipple from the milk glands and the newborn baby
            will not receive any nourishment. So, how is the milk made to reach the
            nipple and the baby?
                 The countless numbers of people throughout history who have
            been fed on mother's milk—ourselves included—owe a debt to the oxy-
            tocin hormone.
                 This hormone ensures the contraction of the muscles surrounding
            the milk channels, moves the milk from the milk glands toward the nip-
            ple where it is easily accessible to the baby at breast-feeding time.
                 Very well. How do the cells that produce the oxytocin hormone
            know that the milk must reach the mother nipple before it can be used,
            and that otherwise the baby would not be able to feed? And even if they
            knew this, how could they know the proper means needed to cause the
            cells in the milk channels contract?
                 These are the questions that must be asked by anyone who wants to
            gain a better understanding of the excellence of this system. The con-

            scious intelligence that is manifested in every cell in the human body
            bears witness to the eternal knowledge of God Who created them from
            nothing. In the Qur'an, God reveals that He Himself has ordered every-
            thing in heaven and on Earth.
                 He directs the whole affair from heaven to Earth… (Qur'an, 32: 5)

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