Page 51 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 51
The Two Governors Of Our Body:
The Hypothalamus And The Pituitary Gland
the density of blood
fluids might fall, you
would not know it and
would eventually die.
How is the decrease in
the amount of blood
fluid sensed and with skin
what measures is it cor-
There are special
sensors in the hypo-
thalamus area of the
brain called osmore-
ceptors. These sensors
measure the amount of
large intestine
fluid in your blood at
every moment you are
alive. If they determine
Water and waste products are expelled from
that the amount of fluid the body through the kidneys, intestines,
in the blood has fallen, lungs, liver and skin.
they immediately react.
If we substitute a human being in the place of one of these receptors
in the hypothalamus, this person would have to measure the amount of
fluid in the blood for 24 hours without tiring and without sleeping for all
his life. Of course, it is impossible for a human being to carry out such a
duty, yet a group of cells devotes its whole life to calculating the amount
of fluid in the blood. This shows that this group of cells is performing a
function that has been given to it. The hypothalamus does its job under
the inspiration of God.
Let us assume that the amount of water in blood has dropped.
Under this circumstance, what would a human being who was put in the
place of these receptor cells have to do? If it were impossible to take a
drink of water, how would you raise the amount of fluid in the blood?