Page 13 - The Importance of Following the Good Word
P. 13

In this book, rather than merely describing what the good
            word is, we will detail the loss upon those who avoid it, in
            the light of the verses of the Qur'an. Because, for billions of
            people living in this world today, there is the dire possibility
            of their being condemned to Hell, and being passed from one
            punishment to another for all eternity. All will be faced with
            Allah's punishment, unless they comply with the good word,
            though they might otherwise be enjoying a beautiful life, in
            this world, as well as being destined for one in the next.
               The Qur'an describes the bitter day of punishment as fol-
               And warn them of the Day of Immediacy when hearts
               rise choking to the throat. The wrongdoers will have
               no close friend nor any intercessor who might be
               heard. He knows the eyes' deceit and what people's
               breasts conceal. Allah will judge with truth; and those
               you call upon apart from Him will not judge with
               anything at all. It is Allah Who is the All-Hearing, the
               All-Seeing. (Surah Ghafir, 18-20)

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