Page 17 - The Importance of Following the Good Word
P. 17
they are not willing to believe in this message?" (Surat al-
Kahf, 6), Allah addressed our Prophet (saas), informing him
that he should not grieve over the disbelief of people. In an-
other verse Allah says, "You cannot guide those you would
like to but Allah guides those He wills. He has best knowl-
edge of the guided." (Surat al-Qasas, 56) Consequently, a
person's effort to admonish, the good words he speaks, will
have an effect on the people only if Allah so wills.
The believers' only responsibility is to summon others to
the Qur'an. They are not responsible for the disbelievers' in-
sistence on denial, and their deserving the fire of Hell. Our
Lord also stated this fact to our Prophet (saas) as follows:
We have sent you with the Truth, bringing good news
and giving warning. You shall not be called upon to
answer for the companions of the Blazing Fire. (Surat
al-Baqara, 119)
Throughout History, All Messengers
Called Their People through the Good Word
In every age, messengers of Allah communicated His
message to as many people as they could reach. When calling
people through the good word, all messengers were modest,
compassionate and merciful, as was our Prophet (saas):
It is a mercy from Allah that you were gentle with
them. If you had been rough or hard of heart, they
would have scattered from around you. (Surah Al
`Imran, 159)
For years, these messengers patiently answered their
people's queries, instructed them on various issues, and ex-
plained to them the meaning of Allah's verses.
The Good Word is Calling to Allah 15