Page 16 - The Importance of Following the Good Word
P. 16

him has to expend the effort to spread such good; the one
            who wants to encounter conscientiousness has to encourage
            conscientiousness; or, the one who dislikes cruelty must ad-
            monish the cruel. As well, he needs to keep in mind that it is
            Allah alone Who guides a person and renders the good word

               It is Allah Who Guides to the Truth

               Believers may not always encounter a favorable response
            or amiable compliance when they call others around them to
            the good. The caller may at times be met with indifference, or
            become the target of derisiveness or even belligerence. For re-
            sponses to such a call vary often, since they depend on the
            other's sincerity and consciousness of Allah.
               On hearing the call, for instance, a person may immedi-
            ately come to have faith in Allah, while another may react
            with hostility. Another still may exercise his conscience and
            decide to devote his life to Allah. However, some may disbe-
            lieve, and choose to respond to the good word with evil. Yet
            this denial of theirs by no means daunts or deflects a believer.
            No matter what the reaction, what is important for him is to
            retain the morality which is pleasing to Allah, to not swerve
            from moral excellence under any circumstance, and to put his
            trust in Allah. For, whether important or minor, each incident
            that takes place in this world is preordained by Allah, and it
            is Allah alone Who can guide a person to the truth.
               For this reason, the reactions and responses of disbeliev-
            ers never demoralize the believers. In the Qur'an, Allah pro-
            vides many examples of this. In the verse, "But would you,
            perhaps, torment yourself to death with grief over them if

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