Page 83 - Paradise: The Believers' Real Home
P. 83
Some Superstitions About Paradise 81
eyes. This does not mean that no women there have green,
blue, or brown eyes, but only serves to emphasize the excel-
lent quality of Paradise and Allah's statement that the finest
things here are much finer there. To give another example:
The Qur'an says that every kind of fruit is present in Paradise.
But, in various verses, bananas and figs are generally singled
out more often as the preferred fruits. Of course, these fruits
are two blessings chosen from the infinite abundance of all
fruits in Paradise.
The announcement that everything desired by everyone
exists in Paradise for their pleasure and to fulfill their hearts'
desire is enough to express the idea that Paradise's blessings
are infinite and far beyond human imagination. Everyone un-
derstands the Qur'an to the degree of his or her faith, intelli-
gence, and sincerity. Thus disbelievers who read it with
ill-intentions will understand the verses about Paradise ac-
cording to their own sterile ideas. However, Paradise's supe-
rior beauty is evident to anyone who thinks about such verses
with an open and intelligent awareness. Allah displays a perfect
design even in the smallest details of this world; surely, it
would be easy for Him to create far more excellent things
than these.
Some people are indifferent to Paradise, saying: "If it
comes; fine. If it doesn't, that's fine too." However, in the af-
terlife there are only two possibilities: Paradise or Hell. There