Page 86 - Paradise: The Believers' Real Home
P. 86

84                          PARADISE

               Here, we shall consider the relationship between

            Darwinism and materialist philosophy. Materialist philosophy,
            or "materialism," is a system of thought going as far back as an-
            cient Greece. Materialism rests on the assumption that matter
            is the only thing that exists. According to materialist philoso-
            phy, matter has always existed, and will continue to do so for
            all time. Again according to this philosophy, nothing exists be-
            yond matter.
               Naturally, materialism is also reflected in the political
            arena, with communism indisputably taking pride of place in
            this regard. Karl Marx (1818-83) and Friedrich Engels (1820-
            95), regarded as the founders of communism, were also the
            founders of dialectical materialism. In any case, communism is
            nothing more than materialist philosophy adapted to the so-
            cial sciences by Marx and Engels.
               Communism is today regarded as an ideology consigned to
            the wastes of history, whereas the fact is that it is still exceed-
            ingly influential. The destructive effects of this ideology can
            still be felt in many countries.

               This is where Darwinism assumes great importance. Since
            Darwinism, or the theory of evolution, maintains that living
            things were not created but came into being by chance, it has
            received a wide acceptance among materialist ideologies, and
            has been adopted as the "basic foundation" of communism in
            particular. All the main communist ideologues have accepted
            the theory word for word, and have based their ideologies
            upon it.
               In a letter to Friedrich Engels in 1860, for instance, Karl
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