Page 85 - Paradise: The Believers' Real Home
P. 85
n the present day, there are people who live in a manner
I I far removed from Allah, and who even reject faith and deny
the existence of Allah for their own ends. On account of their
blindness and mindless fearlessness, they try to influence oth-
ers and turn them away from Allah. They have put forward a
whole range of inconsistent ideas and twisted ideologies by
which to do this. One of these is the theory of evolution.
The Ideological Collapse Of Darwinism
The aspect of Darwinism that stops it from being a claim of
interest only to the scientific world and makes it of great im-
portance to society as a whole is its ideological dimension.
The answer it gives to the question of how living things, in-
cluding mankind, came into existence makes Darwinism the
basis of a number of philosophies, worldviews and political