Page 9 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 9

About the Obvious Existence of Allah               11

                   That Evolution is a Deceit and Allah Creates
                                                           Everything         14

              About The Miraculous Features of Living Beings
                                                   Surrounding You            26

                That Everything You Possess is a Favour From
                                                                  Allah       41

         Of the Fact That You Won't Stay Long in This World                   44

                              Of the Fact that Death is Inevitable            54

                   Of the Fact that the Qur'an is the Just Book,
                   And that You Will be Judged according to It                59

                            About The Voice of Your Conscience                63

            Of the Fact that Allah Commands Man to Conduct
                                                   Himself Correctly          66

                  Of the Fact that Disbelief is the Source of All
                                                          Wickedness          70

            About the Existence of the Hereafter and the Day
                                                        of Judgement          75

                Of the Fact that the Hell is a Place of Torment               83

                                     That Matter is Only an Image             88

                   That Time is a Variable Perception and that
                                         Everything is Predestined            97
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