Page 12 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 12

10                     NEVER PLEAD IGNORANCE

                   If one thinks earnestly without pretending not to grasp the facts one
              comes across, one would arrive at a single conclusion:
                   In the immense universe, an astonishing variety of plants and ani-
              mals, all beings – animate or inanimate – and more importantly man him-
              self, are parts of the flawless creation of Allah, the Almighty. Man doesn't
              see the Creator, yet, pondering on the countless pieces of evidence sur-
              rounding him will make him comprehend Allah's existence and His at-
              tributes. In his efforts, his sincerity will provide him with a way to un-
              derstanding our Creator's commandments and the ways to attaining His
              good pleasure. Allah relates in the Qur'an:
                   Eyesight cannot perceive Him but He perceives eyesight. He is the All-
                   Penetrating, the All-Aware. Clear insights have come to you from your
                   Lord. Whoever sees clearly, does so to his own benefit. Whoever is blind,
                   it is to his own detriment. I am not here as your keeper. (Surat al-An'am:

                   You also reflect on this fact and never pretend you don't grasp the
              superior creation of Allah.

                  People are so immersed in the daily flow of their lives that they cannot realise
                   the miraculous conditions on which their lives rest. However, for a man of
                     understanding, the fact that he lives on a sphere spinning on its axis at a
                        speed of 1670 kilometres an hour means a lot. Moreover, that this
                                    sphere is favoured with delicate balances to make life
                                        possible indicates that this flawless system is the
                                          product of an OBVIOUS act of creation, the cre-
                                            ation of ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY. So don't pre-
                                             tend not to grasp this fact of which we re-
                                              mind you, and be grateful to our Creator
                                              since He created you and gave you a soul.
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