Page 16 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 16

that Evolution is a Deceit and Allah
                                               Creates Everything

                        eluctant to acknowledge the existence of Allah, some people
                        advanced a "theory of coincidences" about how life came into
                        existence. This implausible theory, wholly contradicting scien-
                        tific evidence, suggests that all living beings on earth came in-
              to existence as a result of random chance. However, an examination of
              these groundless claims reveals that this theory brings not one single ra-
              tional explanation about "how life came into existence."
                   A close look at the flawless systems inherent in living beings eventu-
              ally leads us to one obvious fact: all living beings are created. All evolu-
              tionist claims regarding the origin of life are wholly invalid. A process
              called evolution has never occurred on earth. The Creator created the uni-
              verse in its unique form, and evolution is a hoax. These are the facts.
                   Despite the fact that all scientific and reasonable evidence pertaining
              to the origin of life obviously indicates its CREATION, some people still
              insistently advocate evolution. In this chapter, we will review how some
              people, claiming to be adherents of science, assert such irrational claims.
              We will also witness how this theory, to which people are blindly at-
              tached, has collapsed by means of the major breakthroughs in science
              made in the 20 century.
                   Never make the mistake that these people did, who are making fu-
              rious efforts to reject the existence of Allah. Never plead ignorance of
              the fact that everything is the creation of Allah and that a process called
              evolution never occurred on earth.
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