Page 21 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 21

HARUN YAHYA                           19

                                                     An imaginary drawing: dinosaurs
                                                     that suddenly took wing while try-
                                                     ing to catch flies.

                                                               In brief, the sce-
                                                           narios    that    the
                                                           forelegs of a reptile
                                                          transformed       into
                                                        wings and that then they
                                                started flying has no scientific ba-
                                              sis whatsoever. Never plead igno-
                                           rance of the fact that a reptile can nev-
                                        er transform into a bird.

                Another fact invalidates the theory of evolution. Evolutionists fail to
            bring an explanation of how life originated on earth.
                 All living beings are made up of cells. For instance, there are 100 tril-
            lion cells in a human organism. Proteins are the basic building blocks of
            the cell. The formation, under natural conditions, of but one single pro-
            tein, out of the thousands of complex protein molecules making up the
            cell, is not possible.
                 Proteins are giant molecules consisting of smaller units called
            "amino-acids", the simplest of which is composed of 50 amino acids, but
            there are some that are composed of thousands of amino acids. The cru-
            cial point is that the absence, addition, or replacement of a single amino
            in the structure of a protein would transform it into a useless molecular
            heap. Every amino acid has to be at the right place and in the right order.
                 The fact that the functional structure of proteins absolutely cannot
            come about by chance can easily be understood even from simple proba-
            bility calculations that anybody can understand.
                 An average sized protein molecule is composed of 288 amino acids
            of which there are twelve different types. These can be arranged in 10 300
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