Page 24 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 24

22                     NEVER PLEAD IGNORANCE

              belong to human races that lived until very recently – about 10,000 years
              ago – and then disappeared. Moreover, many human communities cur-
              rently living have the same physical appearance and characteristics as
              these extinct human races, which the evolutionists claim to be pre-human
              ancestors of men.
                   There are numerous anatomical differences between apes and men
              and none of them are of the kind to come into existence through an evo-
              lutionary process. This is an OBVIOUS fact.
                   A few examples indicating this are the following:
                   In 1995, an 800 thousand-year-old human face fossil was found in
              Atapuerca, Spain. This fossil is important in the sense that it is no differ-
              ent from modern man. This reveals an undeniable fact: the human beings
              who lived 800,000 years ago and modern man are the same.
                   - An item published in New Scientist on March 14 1998 tells us that
              humans called by evolutionists Homo Erectus were practising seaman-
              ship 700 thousand years ago. These humans who had enough knowledge
              and technology to build a vessel and possess a culture that made use of

        What Happens to a Car Left in the Desert for a Decade?
        The Second Law of Thermodynamics, which is accepted as one of the basic laws of physics, holds
        that under normal conditions, all systems left on their own will tend to become disordered, dis-
        persed, and corrupted to an extent that is in direct relation to the amount of time that passes. In our
        daily lives, we also observe that everything, animate or inanimate, wears out, deteriorates, decays,
        disintegrates, and is destroyed. For instance, if we leave a car in the desert and then check up on it
        after months, we would hardly expect to find it in a better condition. On the contrary, we would find
        that its tyres were flat, its windows broken, its chassis rusted and its motor non-functional. The the-
        ory of evolution, however, says that disordered, dispersed, and inorganic atoms and molecules
        spontaneously come together in time in a certain order and plan to form extremely complex struc-
        tures. This is another contradictory and unscientific point of view of evo-
        lutionary theory.
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