Page 19 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 19

HARUN YAHYA                           17

             The drawing above, the so-called transformation of starfish into fish, is a mere fig-
             ment of imagination. There are numerous fossils both of the starfish and fish seen
             in this arrangement, yet, the imaginary creature that is half starfish, half fish is on-
             ly a drawing. These drawings of alleged transitional forms have no evidence in the
             fossil record.

                 1. Carrying weight: land-dwelling creatures consume 40% of their
            energy just carrying their bodies around. Sea-dwelling creatures, howev-
            er, have no problem in carrying their own weights. Land-dwelling and
            sea-dwelling creatures have completely different muscular and skeletal
            systems and hence are perfectly adapted to their environments.
                 2. Retention of heat: land-dwelling creatures have bodily mecha-
            nisms that can withstand great temperature fluctuations on land.
            However, in the sea, the temperature changes slowly and the change does
            not occur within such a wide range. That is why the metabolisms of land-

            dwelling and sea-dwelling creatures differ greatly. The chance that such a
            significant transition occurs coincidentally is truly unlikely.
                 3. Use of Water: essential to metabolism, water and moisture need to
            be used restrictively due to scarce sources of water on land. For instance,
            the skin is designed to permit loss of water to a certain extent while also
            preventing excessive evaporation. Land-dwelling creatures have a sense
            of thirst, something that sea-dwelling organisms do not have. Besides, the
            skins of sea-creatures are not suitable for a non-aquatic habitat.
                 4. Kidneys: sea-creatures can easily discharge waste materials in
            their bodies by filtering them, since there is plenty of water in their habi-
            tat. However, on land water has to be used economically. This is why land
            creatures have a kidney system. It is improbable that the kidney, a com-
            plex structure, comes into existence coincidentally.
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