Page 23 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 23

HARUN YAHYA                           21

                                                               Is it probable that all
                                                               the information com-
                                                               piled in thousands
                                                               of books in a library
                                                               is written by
                                                               chance? The answer
                                                               is "No". So, it is evi-
                                                               dent that DNA, the
                                                               molecule in which all
                                                               the information of a
                                                               living being is
                                                               stored, cannot come
                                                               into existence by

            coded in the DNA by means of a special system. If we were to write down
            the information encoded in DNA, then we would need to compile a giant
            library consisting of 900 encyclopædic volumes of 500 pages each.
                 This incredibly voluminous information is encoded in the compo-
            nents of DNA called "genes". At this point, there is an important detail
            that deserves attention. An error in the sequence of nucleotides making
            up a gene would render the gene completely useless. When we consider
            that there are 200 thousand genes in the human body, it becomes more ev-
            ident how impossible it is for the millions of nucleotides making up these
            genes to be formed in the right sequence by coincidence.
                 So, never plead ignorance of the fact that this complex structure of
            DNA is a special design. This is concrete evidence that Allah creates

                Evolutionists assert that all living beings evolved from the primitive
            forms to the advanced. According to this groundless assertion, human be-
            ings, too, evolved from half-man, half-ape beings called "primitive human
            beings". However, today we know that there is not a concept of "primitive
            man." Men have always been men and apes have always been apes. This
            is a fact that has been proved. Fossils, alleged to be the ancestors of men,
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