Page 18 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 18

16                     NEVER PLEAD IGNORANCE

                  According to the theory of evolution, every living species has sprung
              from a predecessor. Yet, if this was the case, then numerous intermediary
              species should have existed and lived within this long period of transfor-
              mation. In other words, some half-fish, half-reptile creatures should have
              lived in the past, exhibiting some reptilian traits in addition to the fish
              traits they already had. Evolutionists refer to these imaginary creatures,
              which they believe to have lived in the past, as "transitional forms."
                   If such animals had really existed, there should have been millions
              and even billions of them. More importantly, the remains of these strange
              creatures should be present in the fossil record. Yet, to our surprise, ex-
              tensive research concluded that in the fossil records these "transitional
              links" were missing. Fossil records pertaining to other living beings are
              quite rich whereas not a single fossil of these imaginary beings is present.
                   So, never plead ignorance that the absence of transitional forms in-
              validates evolutionist claims.

                   According to the imaginary scenario of evolutionists, some fish felt
              the necessity to pass from sea to land for various reasons. Upon this need
              (!), some changes occurred in the fish, transforming them in time into am-
              phibians. This is a brief summary of the evolutionary scenario arguing the
              transition from water to land. Now, let's consider this for a moment. What
              happens if fish one day decide to pass on to the land? Do fish, gradually
              approaching the coast, and finally reaching the sand, have a chance of sur-
              vival? The answer is clear: fish moving on to the land would soon die.
              Other fish attempting to do the same would also die. The result would
              still be the same if billions of fish tried to do the same for millions of years:
              each fish reaching the land would die before having the opportunity to do
              anything. This is an OBVIOUS fact.
                   Besides, today it is scientifically shown that it is unlikely for these
              living beings, differing greatly from each other anatomically and physio-
              logically, to have evolved from each other. There are a number of obvious
              facts that render such a transition impossible.
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