Page 22 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 22

20                     NEVER PLEAD IGNORANCE

              different ways. In other words, the probability of the formation of only
              one protein molecule is "1 out of 10 300  ". The probability of this "1" to oc-
              cur is therefore practically impossible.
                   So, never plead ignorance of the fact that it is implausible for pro-
              teins, the building blocks of the cell, to occur through chance and that
              consequently life could not have originated as alleged by evolutionists.

                  If the coincidental formation of even one of these proteins is impossi-
              ble, it is billions of times more impossible for about one million of those
              proteins to come together properly by chance and make up a complete
              human cell.
                   Robert Shapiro, professor of chemistry at New York University and

              a DNA expert, calculated the probability of the coincidental formation of
              the 200 types of proteins found in single bacteria. (There are 200,000 dif-
              ferent types of proteins in a human cell) The number that was found was
              1 over 10 40.000 1
                   Aprofessor of applied mathematics and astronomy from University
              College (Cardiff, Wales), Chandra Wickramasinghe, comments on this in-
              credible probability:
                   The likelihood of the spontaneous formation of life from inanimate matter is
                   one to a number with 40.000 noughts after it… it is big enough to bury
                   Darwin and the whole theory of evolution. There was no primeval soup, ei-
                   ther on this planet or on any other, and if the beginning of life was not by
                   chance, it must therefore have been the creation of purposeful intelligence. 2
                   So, never plead ignorance of the fact that even a single bacteria
              could not have come into existence coincidentally or by accident. That

              implies the collapse of the theory of evolution.

                  The molecule called DNA, which is found in the nucleus of each of
              the 100 trillion cells in our body, contains the complete construction plan
              of the human body. Information regarding all characteristics of a person,
              from physical appearance to the structure of the internal organs, is en-
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