Page 11 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 11

HARUN YAHYA                           9

            now occupies a tiny space in the universe, just as if
            it were a dust particle?
                 Or, are you, as a human being – the only being
            endowed with the faculty of thinking – aware of
            the perfect order existing in the universe?
                 There are surely hundreds of similar ques-
            tions you could ask yourself. The purpose in men-
            tioning these questions is to unveil – albeit slightly
            – the covering over the human mind, which is al-
            ready obscured by daily tasks, and help to expand
            its horizons. Our intention here is to reflect on
            some crucial issues.
                 Now, consider the following:
                 "What is the significance of these questions for
            my life? Is it really important to think about them
            while I have hundreds of things to accomplish? My
            final examinations… the meeting that will be held
            in late afternoon… don't they have priority?"
                 These thoughts reflect a common mistake
            some people make. No doubt, plans pertaining to
            one's education, home or future are important. Yet
            there are some issues which are more important.
            Primarily, a person should reflect on the purpose of
            his existence in this world, on what exists beyond
            this life, on how this magnificent planet on which
            he lives came into existence, and on Who is the
            Creator of all living things, including him.

                    From the moment man wakes in the morning, he
            has to involve himself in endless pursuits. However, in the
              middle of all these mundane incidents, he doesn't think
          much about a VERY IMPORTANT issue: man occupies an al-
          most insignificant space in the whole universe, similar to the
           volume of a building a dust particle occupies. It may be as-
                    tonishing to realise, yet, this is an OBVIOUS fact.
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