Page 100 - The Moral Values of the Qur'an
P. 100
universe which existed with all its details in the
dream will fade from existence and disappear since
the reason for that universe’s existence is only one’s
own mind during sleep. When the mind stops
“forming” such a universe, it suddenly “disappears,”
and does not exist anymore. Surely it had no material
or independent being at all.
The prominent Islamic scholar, Imam Rabbani,
narrates this absolute truth (the narration has been
simplified and re-worded in translation):
“Allah has determined the reflection of each one of His
names (the Just, the often returning, the Compassionate,
etc.) andhas given His attributes to the created ones. And
the beings for this reflection were created out of sheer
nothingness. The One and Only Allah with His Power
decreed a place of realization for His names and created
them in the illusive (imaginary, supposed) universe.
Moreover, He did this in the time and shape He wanted.
The existence of the universe is only in the illusive and
sensational state and not in externality. In this case this is a
permanence in nothingness and the illusive gains strength
and soundness with the creation of Allah. So, the created
becomes alive, knowing, doing, asking, seeing, hearing and
speaking to the extent of His will. However, because of its
being a reflection and having only a shadow existence, there
is no trace of it externally. In the outside world, there is
nothing other than Allah’s Being and His names.
Everything has appeared on the mirror of the Superior