Page 97 - The Moral Values of the Qur'an
P. 97
physical defect or to past errors. The unbelievers do
not forget wrongdoing and always remind the person
of his mistakes, although he may not ever have
repeated them.
However, believers are different from them. They
are forgiving, and there is a close brotherhood among
them; they do not stoop to behave in this way.
Moreover, Allah has ordered the believer neither to
“defame nor be sarcastic to one another, nor call each
other by (offensive) nicknames.” (Surat al-Hujraat,
43 Being Worthy of Trust
The Qur’an describes the rendering back one's
trusts to those to whom they are due as a moral
principle and a way to success. Believers should
always respect the trust reposed in them and thus
win others' confidence in return. Besides, believers
should also determine to whom to hand the trusts,
that is, to whom they are due. On this, the Qur’an
delivers the following injunction:
“Allah commands you to render back your trusts to
those to whom they are due; and when you judge between
man and man, that you judge with justice: Verily how