Page 99 - The Moral Values of the Qur'an
P. 99

absolute being is not matter, but Allah. The Qur’an is
          quite specific on this point:
             “That is because Allah is the Reality; and those besides
          Him whom they invoke are but vain Falsehood: verily Allah
          is He, Most High, Most Great.” (Surat al-Hajj, 22:62).
             In truth, matter has the ability to exist only so
          longas it has been created by Allah. Its existence is
          preserved only at His wish and by His command.
          Consequently, the permanence of the absolute
          existence of matter is out of the question: matter can
          exist only as a result of the “Be” command of Allah.
          Allah states this fact in the Qur’an in the following

             “It is Allah Who sustains the heavens and the earth, lest
          they cease to function: and if they should fail, not one can
          sustain them thereafter: verily, He is Most Forbearing, and
          Oft-Forgiving. (Surat Fat’r, 35:41)
             This means the complete world exists only with
          the sustanence of Allah and when He so orders, it
          shall cease to exist. In fact, this means that the entire
          universe is made of illusive matter, which will end
          when commanded. This boundless will of Allah is
          beyond comprehension, but dreams may be a way of
          understanding this creation to a certain extent. For
          instance, when someone wakes up from a dream, the

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