Page 41 - The Moral Values of the Qur'an
P. 41
Patience pervades the whole life of the believers,
who obey the decree: “Be patient for your Lord’s
sake” Finally, Allah takes their souls and rewards
them with His Paradise. Angels at the gates bid
welcome to the righteous, saying: “Peace be on you
for that you persevered in patience: Now, how
excellent is the final home!”. (Surat ar-Ra’d, 13:24)
15 Support by Allah
In profane society, people develop their characters
according to the power or status they possess. For the
individual to be self-confident, he must be either very
rich or famous, or beautiful or handsome. Being the
son or daughter of a “respected” man is also an
important reason for self-confidence in a purely
ignorant community.
However it is quite a different matter for the
believers. This is because the believers rely for
support on no one but Allah, attach no importance to
any of the worldly criteria that the unbelievers follow.
Allah is always the supporter of the believers. He
never lets them down in the face of opposition from
the unbelievers. “Allah has decreed: ‘It is I and My
messengers who must prevail’ ”(Surat al-Mujadila,