Page 44 - The Moral Values of the Qur'an
P. 44

“Mighty indeed were the plots which they made, but
          their plots were (well) within the sight of Allah, even though
          they were such as to shake the hills!” (Surah Ibrahim,

             While unbelievers plot against believers, in reality
          Allah "draws them near to destruction by degrees
          from whence they know not." (Surat al-A’raf, 7:182).
          They suppose that they are superior to the believers
          and can easily beat them. However, Allah is on the
          believers’ side and His Power, Glory and Greatness
          are manifest to them. The Qur’an expresses this truth,
          which cannot be comprehended by the hypocrites, as

             “They are the ones who say, ‘Spend nothing on those
          who are with Allah’s Messenger, to the end that they may
          disperse.’ To Allah belong the treasures of the heavens and
          the earth; but the Hypocrites understand not. They say, ‘If
          we return to Medina, surely the more honourable will expel
          therefrom the meaner.’ But honour belongs to Allah and His
          Messenger, and to the Believers; but the Hypocrites know
          not.”(Surat al-Munafiqoon, 63:7-8)

             This is definitely an unchangeable rule. Believers,
          in accordance with the verse, “O you who believe!
          Take your precautions...” (Surat an-Nisa, 4:71), shall
          always be careful and cautious of unbelievers, but
          feel the comfort of the above divine rule.

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