Page 45 - The Moral Values of the Qur'an
P. 45

Allah explains the same rule in another verse:
             “Those who reject Allah, hinder (men) from the Path of
          Allah, and resist the Messenger, after Guidance has been
          clearly shown to them, will not harm Allah in the least but
          He will make their deeds of no effect.” (Surah Muhammad,

             16 No Desperation for the Believers

             There are two kinds of hopelessness. The first
          kind  arises when confronted with difficulties or
          obstacles. Such should not be the conduct of a
          believer. He should always keep in mind that Allah
          has promised to give support to the believers. The
          Qur’an states that Allah is sufficient for the believers
          and that He has strengthened the believers with His

             The second kind of despair is more dangerous,
          which is giving up hope of Allah’s mercy after
          making a mistake or committing a sin. Because this
          may lead to the thought that Allah will not forgive
          one’s sins and that one will necessarily go to hell. But
          this idea—a mere apprehension—is quite the
          opposite of what we are taught by the Qur’an.
          Indeed, Allah forgives the sins of all those who

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