Page 10 - The importance of conscience in the Qur'an
P. 10
8 The Importance of Conscience in the Qur'an
real meaning of conscience as exemplified in the Qur'an and to
draw attention to how a conscientious person thinks, what kind
of insight and understanding he or she possesses, and the
importance of conscience in life after death. We will provide
you with the necessary information to identify the voice of your
conscience, and distinguish it from the other voices and
suggestions coming from within you. We will also explain some
of the things your conscience may make you think and do and
how someone who acts upon his conscience can attain the
purest state.
The main purpose of this book is not only to inform, but
also to call out to people's conscience in order to spur them
into action, encourage them to live the rest of their lives by
their conscience, and show them how lost they will be if they
fail to do so.