Page 12 - The importance of conscience in the Qur'an
P. 12
10 The Importance of Conscience in the Qur'an
deviate, to lie, to turn away from righteousness, to stir up
trouble, to decline in good manners). The opposite is taqwa
(awe or fear of Allah which inspires a person to be on guard
against wrong action and eager for actions which please Him).
It is this very conscience that makes man guard against evil
deeds and find the right way.
One of the most important aspects of conscience is that it
helps man to find what is right of his own accord. This will be
discussed in more detail in forthcoming chapters. Conscience
will surely show man what is right, even if nobody else will.
However, what matters for man is to take recourse to his own
conscience, listen to what it says, and act upon it. For this
reason, we can say that conscience is the main component of
Above all, there is one point that must be borne in mind;
every man, from the moment of gaining consciousness, is
responsible for what Allah inspires him with and what his con-
science tells him. From the moment he starts to conceive the
events around him and becomes able to judge for himself, he is
expected to possess and be able to exercise the ability to hear
and distinguish the voice of his conscience, and to have the will
to follow it. From this point forward, he will be questioned
about the actions he takes in the course of his life. If he follows
his conscience, he will be rewarded with an eternal life in
Allah's heaven, but if he follows his self, he will meet an eternal
sealed vault of fire.