Page 15 - The importance of conscience in the Qur'an
P. 15
Evidence of Allah's Existence Can Be Seen Through Conscience 13
the most powerful indication of a supreme consciousness. The
evidence is plain, simple and indisputable. Our conscience has
no choice but to acknowledge that all is the work of Allah, the
one and only Creator.
However, someone who does not refer to his own
conscience cannot have the same awareness. This awareness is
achieved through wisdom, and wisdom is a spiritual quality that
comes about only when one follows one's conscience. Any
attitude displayed in accordance with conscience helps build up
and develop wisdom. Here, however, special attention must be
paid to the definition of wisdom. Contrary to its common use,
wisdom is a different concept to intelligence. A man, no matter
how intelligent and knowledgeable he is, will still be unwise if
he does not refer to his conscience, and is unable to see or
comprehend the facts that he comes across.
An example can elucidate the difference between
intelligence and the wisdom attained through conscience. A
scientist may carry out very detailed research about the cell for
years. He may even be the best in his field. However, if he is
lacking in wisdom and conscience, he will only retain fragments
of knowledge. He will not be able to fit these fragments
together to form a whole. In other words, he will not be able
to draw correct conclusions from this body of information.
A man with wisdom and conscience, however, perceives
the miraculous aspects and perfect details of a cell, and
acknowledges the hand of a creator, a designer with a superior
wisdom. If a man thinks with his conscience he will arrive at this
conclusion: the power that creates a cell with such perfection
must also be the creator of all the other living and non-living
In the Qur'an, there is the example of Prophet Ibrahim