Page 20 - The importance of conscience in the Qur'an
P. 20
18 The Importance of Conscience in the Qur'an
note here that in the Qur'an, the term 'idols' implies all the
powers people believe in other than Allah. It would be incorrect
to think of idol-worshippers only as those who worship statues.
As in the example of evolutionists, to look upon atoms, time
and coincidence as the causes of life would simply mean to take
atoms, time and coincidence as gods. However, neither time
nor coincidence can possibly have enough power to create life.
Only Allah can possess such power. According to the incident
mentioned above, Prophet Ibrahim destroyed the idols to show
his people that the idols they worshipped were just objects
having no power over anything. It is thus described by Allah in
the Qur'an:
He said, 'Far from it! Your Lord is the Lord of
the heavens and the earth, He Who brought
them into being. I am one of those who bear
witness to that. By Allah, I will devise some
scheme against your idols when your backs
are turned. '
He broke them in piece, except for the biggest
one, so that they would have it to consult!
They said, 'Who has done this to our gods? He
is definitely one of the wrongdoers!' They said,
'We heard a young man mentioning them.
They call him Ibrahim.' They said, 'Bring him
before the people's eyes so that they can be
witnesses.' They said, 'Did you do this to our
gods, Ibrahim?' He said, 'No, this one, the
biggest of them, did it. Ask them if they are
able to speak!' (Surat al-Anbiya': 56-63)
Thus the unbelievers saw that the idols they had been
worshipping could not answer their calls. They were impotent